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ジョアン・ミロ版画集 Anti-Platon La Lumiere De La Lame Saccades / Joan Miro銅版画 Yves Bonnefoy Andres du Bouchet Jacques Dupin著

ジョアン・ミロ版画集 Anti-Platon La Lumiere De La Lame Saccades Joan Miro銅版画 Yves Bonnefoy Andres du Bouchet Jacques Dupin著

Maeght 仏語版 限130 各巻にミロオリジナル銅版画8図全24図 巻末にミロ、著者のサイン 3冊揃

「Joan Miro The Illustrated Boook」No77掲載 Maeght French Edition. limited edition of 130 each volume containing 8 original etchings by Miro 24 drawings signed by Miro and the author at the end of the volume a set of 3 books published in "Joan Miro The Illustrated Boook" No. 77

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